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slap and tickle meaning

"slap and tickle" in a sentence

Meaningmobile phoneMobile

  • noun (informal)
      Amorous frolicking, with kissing, petting, etc

  • [British slang]
    Noun. A lighthearted sexual liason. {Informal}.


  • Finally though, its certain that for flash and sparkle, slap and tickle, and a ride on a runaway rock n roller coaster.
  • The closed public house " The Slap and Tickle " was demolished in 2014 and construction began on a new building to relocate the Co-Operative food shop.
  • They formed in early 1985 after singer and washboard player Tony Green arrived in London from his native New Orleans and met Tea Chest Bass player Dennis Johnson performing on the street in Covent Garden with skiffle duo Slap and Tickle.
  • Beneath that " I love you, you love me " facade, he's a macho guy who eats meat, smokes cigars, likes a little slap and tickle and watches Lou Dobbs on " Moneyline ."
  • Wyllie's " Slap and Tickle Machine " is in the collection of the People's Palace, Glasgow, and wind-up stainless steel palm trees and a sculptural bandstand featured in the caf� of the Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum in Glasgow.
  • Holly Dolly's songs include The Dolly Song, My Name is Dolly, Ciao Ciao Goodbye, The Jingle Bell Rock, Holly's Farm, Horror Show, Don't Worry Be Happy, Holly Sumba, Mister Joe, Santa Baby, Pretty Intro, Slap and Tickle, La Isla Bonita, Lollypop, Limbo Rock and Without Control.

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What is the meaning of slap and tickle and how to define slap and tickle in English? slap and tickle meaning, what does slap and tickle mean in a sentence? slap and tickle meaningslap and tickle definition, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by eng.ichacha.net.